Xbox2 vs PS3 vs Revolution

Excuse me??? First off, you people must not know that power of the G5 processors..... Let me show you something that will put you all in your own little corners to cry in.

PS3 isn't all its hyped up to be, the Cell isn't all that great, it is just a stripped down PowerPC G4 Processor with some extra vector processors connected by an Elemental Interconnection. WOW.... a G5 can still outperform it unless at 9 code threads are programmed, meaning games for PS3 will take 3 years + to develop.
Now shut your mouths about the G5 processor and the revolution before I bitch slap you all into the knowledge of IBMs G5 processor. You think IBM is dumb? IBMs G5 outperforms a Beaowolf cluster (4 P4's linked together) with ease. Two G5s with direct interconnects to the GPU controller and memory controllers would make little XBOX2 and PS3 "mighty" CELL processor look chessy and cheap! Beware, IBM can play both sides of the table.
AMD ZEN said:
Now shut your mouths about the G5 processor and the revolution before I bitch slap you all into the knowledge of IBMs G5 processor. .
Thats the way i like it hard and rough, anyway i am for the Revolution, that so dont bitch slap me. ;( get Gaylord Karthtorn
alvino said:
PowerPC G5's? WTF?!?!? AHAHAHA!!! Wow....

Indeed, these idiots don't know half a wit about the potential of a G5 processor. I'd love to see and AMD FX-55 Versus a 2.5GHz G5!! Giancarlo was a fool to say it would win. Add and integrated GPU and RAM controller to the G5 (what Nintendo is doing BTW) and it will BITCH SLAP THE AMD (and this is AMD ZEN saying this) IBM are the geniuses, and if Sony doesn't do 9 way thread programming for the Cell, a single G5 processor will rape the Cell!!
dont tell me to shut up and you wont bitch slap me not just that, MODS dont say stuff like that so shapen up b4 some1 else bitch slaps you and another thing i aint said nothing about the ps3 CPU ok.
Good, then my comment wasn't directed towards you. It was more to Lord K and Alvino for DIRECTLY insulting the WORLDS MOST POWERFUL PROCESSOR, THE G5.
What then Why did you bye a AMD prossesor;

How is the G5 the most powerful prossesor, You are AMD ZEN for god sake, How can you say that.

the G5 is fast though.
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