What is your Age; the 2005 poll

rakedog said:
Wow, I didn't expect that many people in their 20's.. i thought everyone was in their teens.

I'm going to be no longer in my teens anymore.. 19 was great for me.. now I'm gonna be 20... oh no..
Well I liked being in my teens.. now I'm done forever.. ;) But hey it isn't a bad thing.. one more year and I can buy alcohol legally!
Hey, I drink it. Does it cause me to get in trouble no.... I drink wine and beer... not those lesbian cocktail drinks. I like wine and beer. And recently they found good beer is good for you because of the high amount of nutrients in it. And everybody knows red wine is good for you.
everythings down hill after 21... Turn 22 in May so I've decided not to bother with birthdays..

20th birthday I was in a police cell day before
21st birthday I had funeral day after

Don't want another bad birthday
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