
Pushing my beliefs on you? I simply stated what they were.

And if sin is classified as condemnation then everyone is condemned.

By personal experiences I dont mean lucky things like that. I mean interaction, like talking with God and stuff. Of course there is no way to explain that to you since I'm sure it will just be called imagination, or the aliens that wrote the bible.

Mass/energy is neither created nor destroyed. Yes I have taken physics. That is a valid rule as far as you or I am concerned. But think about it, if there is a god, and he created the whole universe, then he created the laws of physics (gravity, conservation of energy/mass, an electrons spin is opposite of its partner). Therefore, it wouldnt make any sense for him to be bound by those laws if he created them now would there?

"suffering and chaos" yep that goes right back to the human free will. If god intervened and nothing bad ever happened then we wouldnt really have free will now would we?

Giancarlo, if you are done talking because im "pushing" my beliefs on you then fine Ill respect that. Again just because I believe things that you do are wrong doesnt mean I think any less of you.
Rackham, you know what I find disgusting? That chiristians in the middle age... weren't really christians. The church was a place of corrupt money-seeking greedy leaders. They tricked the public by "forgiving sin" for money... what bull.
Giancarlo said:
*sigh* It is posts like that airiox, that make me doubt your integrity.

Spongebob is cool and funny.

Nah. Patrick is better. He's so funny! His stupidity is what makes the show so funny.
rakedog said:
Rackham, you know what I find disgusting? That chiristians in the middle age... weren't really christians. The church was a place of corrupt money-seeking greedy leaders. They tricked the public by "forgiving sin" for money... what bull.
LMAO! I remember that from my 7th Grade Social Studies!
Rackham said:
Pushing my beliefs on you? I simply stated what they were.

You said truth are your beliefs, and I find that is not the wrong thing to say.

By personal experiences I dont mean lucky things like that. I mean interaction, like talking with God and stuff. Of course there is no way to explain that to you since I'm sure it will just be called imagination, or the aliens that wrote the bible.

Imagination, luck, or just plain coinicidience... because from my view point, I don't see anything there.

But think about it, if there is a god, and he created the whole universe, then he created the laws of physics (gravity, conservation of energy/mass, an electrons spin is opposite of its partner).

That's a really circular debate. You would have to start proving god, to prove that he did those things.

"suffering and chaos" yep that goes right back to the human free will. If god intervened and nothing bad ever happened then we wouldnt really have free will now would we?

Maybe it is because there is no higher power.

Giancarlo, if you are done talking because im "pushing" my beliefs on you then fine Ill respect that. Again just because I believe things that you do are wrong doesnt mean I think any less of you.

Yes I am done at this point. I just see nothing more then redundancy from your statements.

And I really like that last statement. It is a perfect example of a contradiction. I hate to break this to you, but being gay is part of me. If you think that is wrong then yes it does mean you hold me to a less regard.
Sponge Bob is funny, but I like Squidwird the most, since he is kind of like me, dragged along for the stupidty and hates every moment of it, and says things in a dull voice that are still funny.
dont listen to religious folk, their scared old people mainly.

SPONGEBOB, SPONGEBOB third only to Family Guy and the Simpsons
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