
Oh yeah...sorry about that. :)

EDIT>>> You could've just taken out the F-word and left in the ridiculous part.
Actually Dobson is talking about using kids cartoons in a video which has references to and promotes same sex parents.

According to the bible which is the guide for christians, sex out of marriage is a sin, also marriage is set as only between a man and a woman.

Basically christians believe that homosexual acts are sinful. But everyone sins, including christians (its not like we are perfect). Human nature is just that way. But you shouldnt hate people who sin, hate the sin itself.

I agree there are some people with distorted views who bash disabled people as the devils work. I have never met any like that but there are some out there. Those people arent perfect either and doing things like what althlon describes is wrong.

But you shouldnt judge all christians by the acts of others. How would you feel if you were judged by what some of your peers have done? How about if they said that all computer experts and programmers are wackos and criminals because of the damage hackers/crackers have done?
Rackham said:
Actually Dobson is talking about using kids cartoons in a video which has references to and promotes same sex parents.

One thing you are mistaken about is, is that.. Spongebob does not do any sort of the thing. All it does it promote tolerance. It says nothing about marriage.

But you shouldnt hate people who sin, hate the sin itself.

I don't believe homosexuality is a sin and I don't appreciate people who push their ideas of sin onto me. I think religious fundamentalists who already have dozens of religious programs on television (like the 700 Club) shouldn't say a damn thing about Spongebob. Even if Spongebob was doing what they said it, doesn't that make them hypocrites because they are promoting their own set of beliefs on their own shows that are far more numerous? Lets face it, this is a country where people have a freedom of speech.

So I respectfully disagree.
Well Giancarlo I was stating what I believed and of course people are entitled to thier own opinions and beliefs.

And I didnt say spongebob had references to same sex marrages, I said that the video that does also includes spongebob. The spongebob footage itself doesnt but it is paired with the rest that does.

I dont mean to offend you or anybody else but I do believe that having homosexual relationships is a sin just as having a sexual relationship outside of marriage is a sin.

I know and am good friends with homosexuals and bisexuals but I still think that its wrong just like I would about a really good friend that sleeps around.

The thing is many christians focus on homosexuality because that is controversial now where traditional marriage and sexual practices have long been abandoned in the public view. I mean most people dont have a problem with sex outside of marriage anymore.
I'm just stating my own beliefs, and I'm typically civil. I'm not attacking you as a person.

Spongebob itself isn't promoting homosexuality. The video well... what about all the religious programming on TV? Why am I not objecting to that programming? Because there is something called freedom of speech in this country.

I'm gay. You can believe what you want about it. You think my sexuality is equable to someone sleeping around? I have a relationship. Besides I can't get married to a guy, because you types won't let me (since you carry weight in the political constituencies thus making it impossible for me to get married).

I am not a virgin, nor am I married. I was in a relationship with a guy for two years, and I'd appreciate that people not say it was wrong. But you know what? I don't people will ever accept it.

I also don't believe god exists.. at least one that does not put people on earth to only condemn them for being in love. That's why I'm atheist.
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