AMD ZEN's POLL! (Week 2) OVER!!!!!!

Re: AMD ZEN's POLL! (Week 2)

Hope your answer was right. The answer will be revealed on Saturday for you guys. The poll will close then and then I will make a new one on late Saturday night for all of you.
Re: AMD ZEN's POLL! (Week 2)

:cough:google:cough: the next sockets going to be....CeNsOrEd.... :D
Re: AMD ZEN's POLL! (Week 2)

Google can't help you now! MUAHAHHA! And next weeks quiz is something Google really can't solve.
Re: AMD ZEN's POLL! (Week 2)

Well, I Know a little German and Nein means no and Du Musst nicht sprechen means not having to speak, well fine, AMD ZEN meet your maker Turion Gun muahahah, Its porterble unlike the opteron Gun muahahahah
Re: AMD ZEN's POLL! (Week 2)

Fine..... Then enjoy this EGYPT CHARGED COLD FUSION DARK MATTER CANNON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIE NECRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: AMD ZEN's POLL! (Week 2)

Nooo according to google My answer was wrong!! , but you dont know which I chose now do you?
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