My School Sucks

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i used to have that problem, i even had my arm broken twice and put on crutches (at different times!), its hard but you have to keep on telling the teachers and try to avoid them, people like that are just jealous because you are better than them. what age is year 7? i go to a private school and we have a different year system. p.s. at least you can get onto your email at school, i have to log on with my laptop just to get onto my emails.
lol nether had been bullied because any 1 that did it would just get a face full of me but i was not the hardest i aint being cocky but its the way it is i am in college now and thats very good.
Steven all you have to do with the bullies is smack 1 then he wont do anything he will only smack you back and then he will leave it then he knows your not scared thats what i did lol.
Hacking aint hard but its stupid i can do it threw programs that you can use but not hack you have to hack your way threw codes its hard sometimes but once you get the hang of it its ok.

I dont think you got that email because the network server has a firewall on it and then the system running the servers have a backup firewall, getting your account back at school is easy just go 2 the TECH guy and write him a sorry note then he may 4give you i bet that will work.
Steven11 said:
yeh ok but did you get punched in the stomach face and kicked in the bolocse?? Sorry cant spell but i was suicidal but i decided not to ok.
Well my friend, I did have my share of enemies in school, But I never Had my arse kicked. As far as the Suicidal thing..Im really glad you did'nt go through with it man, Trust me dude when i say this.

But, I have been there dude, I have tried to commit the side 3-times, before I finally realized that, no matter how hard life can get sometimes, and How cruel The World can be, There is allway's a way out, and that's not it.

No matter how down you feel, or How lonely it is that cruel world, remember my friend, Tomorrow is another day.

In time you will look back to that time when you were at your lowest, and you will tell your self, I got through it ok....;)
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