Mobile Network


Baseband Member
How would you define a mobile network? What is the difference between a wireless and Mobile network? Is there a paticular standard that defines a mobile network?
A wireless network does not mean its going to be mobile, i have a wireless setup and i dont move my computer at all...i just wanted something easier to deal with if i wanted to move it and im also getting a lot faster speeds thanks to dual channeling of the B and G channels. Mobile is what it says, mobile. This could be anything from cell phone to lap tops. as long as its moving its mobile.
So a mobile network can be a wireless network with mobile devices connected to it such as laptops and PDAs. However there are standards which such as Mobile IP or NEMO by the IETF which define the network mobility.
im not certain, but my guess at the mobile IP standard is that it assigns certain IP's depending on which access point you are on. This is how cell phone companies determine what area you are in. NEMO i am unfamiliar with.
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