Pic's of yourself

alvino said:
Man...I wish I had a camera...

not to sound rude or anything alvino but stfu..you keep going on about your camera..would ou like AMD-ZEN or GIAN to buy you a camera?...ah nvm your probably just gunna say yes
Why did you post that, charchris? Get a rise out of people? Get people pissed off? If you are so sorry about a democratic election, go to hell.
Ok.... Money_Man, that was unessacary to do to Alvino... I DONT HAVE A CAMERA!! WTF, first I need to buy my own! Secondly, Gian is in college, like he would have the money to buy a camera for Alvino (whom he hates BTW) (SRY Gian if you do have the money, just making a point here) Secondly, Charchris should not have posted that. Thirdly, Gian don't tell people to go to Hell anymore pls. THX!! Stop making me babysit!

AND NOW! Fair warning! The next person who calls someone else a name is getting a 2 day ban, and I do not care what you say about this, nor do I care what you think.. So I would advise GETTING ALONG RIGHT NOW! PLAY NICE!
would that be only in this thread? or in all the threads? oh and btw i was saying that to alvino because he said that liek 5 times...and i know gian doesnt like him
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