Any other MODS, pls Help!

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LOL or a President that has no command or anything (I'm not refering to anything).
yes. i think we all have a firm grasp of that concept thanx to your magnificent exampels.
Ok, David fixed it, he upgraded me to MOD, but forgot to tell the site I was a MOD, so it didn't think I was a MOD that could access things... LMAO! :) Fixed now.. :D
alvino, Ok, you are driving me crazy... GO to FutureRevolutions, I make you a MOD for the rest of this month, but don't do anything stupid... I think I can trust you, "i hope...."
LOL Dude, calm down...I wasn't trying to make you go crazy or anything. I was being obnoxious, and I'm sorry, ok?
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