
TRDCorolla1 said:
Probably means that it takes time to get over something. As an example: If you're mad at someone now, eventually, that grudge will dissipate in who knows how long. Or if you broken up recently with someone, it's hard at first. After a few days, weeks, or months (depending on how long you were in a relationship for and how serious you were), you'll eventually get over it and move on. Takes time to get over things so in a sense, heals your emotions and you're back to your regular self doing regular things without thinking about that person on a constant basis.
Yeah thats what I was meaning.
my friend who i was talking about who died killed himself he shot himself in the head and im not over that yet and the other thing aswell about leaving my bf behind and b4 i met this dude who i left behind my ex boyfriend told me he was cheating on me the whole time we were going out and he told me on my birthday and that was on newyears day aswell!!!
If he's cheating on you, then forget him. That doesn't sound like the type of person that is loyal to you. If not now, then certainly not in the future.
Ok, Now we understand what's going on...You just had to give us details.....

Well, it seems that since you are feeling guilty about leaving him there, means that it must have been an accident.....

But, if your afraid of what he might say or do.....Only makes for more worry....And more worry makes for more intensement to the situation.

So....My advise to you would be to call him, and tell him how really sorry you are for leaving him there.

The sooner you get your answer from him, the better you'll feel, even if he get's mad......

If he does ....It's ok, cuz then it gives you the opportunity to appologize to him, and tell him you will make it up to him......
I still don't get why you have made so many topics about the same situation, and if all the things you are talking about are true (friend killing himself, being cheated on, etc.) then you should probably do some therapy.
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