Worlds fastest Processor avaliable to buy

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Gibant was our recent bragger...

I dont brag..i got a excelent overclock goin on..
Gibant's Bragging was well justified - he had a serious piece of equipment you could not buy through honourable Overclocking.

Overclocking computers to levels you can buy merely to save your lazy selves the job of getting what you want through honourable means however is not honourable - and you will all burn in Dishonour for it.
I got a pretty overclock too. Overclocking is legitimate. If it was not honorable, why do CPU manufacturers leave it as an option? Something tells me LK is losing his mind once again.
in response to the homos making fun of me last page i ment to reply to the "purchasing new system" topic not this one so shut up. I'm not that stupid...
I dont have a dream pc but a dream server:

4x opteron 245's
8Gb ECC Ram
8x 10k SATA 250Gb
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