Typing speed

hot doggie 100-120 wpm?! Could get a pretty good job with those stats

(Please excuse me for the saying "hot doggie")
Lol; Hot Doggie? :p

Hmmm... don't know... depends whwther I know what I'm typing or what ever it is that I'm going to say. Then how many spelling mistakes... etc etc and so on. Whether the words are long or whether they're short and whether they're silly like Anamorphic or plain stupid like cat, mat, hat, and tat. Then it all depends on the size of the moon and the inclenation of the sun to the tangent of the earth's circle upon the Alps. Depending on the stench of the rotting carcasses of ancient battles buried under the feet and feet of rock on the earth's surface and depending on the movement of Carth Kimanchou as to the Moat of Dol Kimanchou upon the Plains of Kimanchou; Hu'Zak's Lava Moat surronding his great fortress standing upon the gateway from the Second to the First Dimension of time and space.

There, 145 Words a Minute - but obviously I didn't have to think much about that, and there were the odd spelling mistake and hickup like whwther and surronding and that sort of thing. Of course there are historical innacurancies and the paragraph doesn't run very smoothly... etc etc and so on.

Probably about 110, 115 with some thinking. 130 or so copying from a Pad.

Never seen a typing speed Thread before?

I would like a program that can time how many wpm...

I can do about 200 :p

Lol; see now that is a typing speed! (Furgy's 200, not 1337c0mpn00b's 60 :D)

The level to which we shall all be measured probably...

Haha! You are a funny guy Giancarlo! If I was lying - I'd think up a fast typing speed instead of coming out with a reasonable one like 145 - and I'd probably say I could do that whatever I was doing; instead of saying I couldn't do that while thinking ect etc and so on.

But still! 200; you are my God Furgy.
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