engrish of the extreme sense!!!

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errr hemmm, I quite clearly said internet porn. The rest of the world gets their porn from places like Canberra (the place where hardcore porn is legal in Australia...oddly enough it's also where all of the politicians reside) on DVD's/VHS.
Captain Andy said:
Well, to be honest, yes.You nerds like your internet porn, not because you are heterosexual...or homosexual...but because your computer is your only companion and you want to put a face and a body on it. How is this information relevant? Well, it links back to my first statement in two ways:
1. That is your sexual pleasure and this is mine *climaxing*
2. You are all nerds *climax reached, tissues obtained*
Didn't you say your arse is so fat it is covered in shit and your pants smell of urine? How do you climax in a situation like that may I ask? Or does it involve Prostitutes...

Can't say I got that last one :D

Captain Andy said:
That was very official. Let me ask you, are your eyes so sensitive that you can't bear to read the words HAPPY or BUNNNIES or LOVELY MEADOWS FULL OF POPPIES?
Arrr!! See Andy, you're getting better :D
hey hey, I get better for no man. that was edited and I stick by my original statement of "you can't bear to read the words FUCK or SHIT or CUNT."
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