Internet Lingo Dictionary

getting back to me...I am a newb on this web site, something that I am not particularly ashamed of, because I do not spend my life in the wee hours of the morning posting gay messages (If it comes up with me doing this in the morning, that would be because of a time difference...I'm in Aus, so I can say as much shit [yes I said shit, run and tell your mothers you fucking 35 yr old nerds that still live at home] as I want and all you fuckers can do is block me, muahahahaha) and talking about computers like you fucking nerds. And for the record, I do think I'm cool because I am and why would I think I'm big headed, do you mean to say I'm arrogant? . I love you all, and please, block me at will.
What the bloody hell? :D You're mad

As for you're a Newbie... only by time. 51 Posts in one day is more than any of us; so there's not real point in complaining we're on here too much :p
Yeah right your probably to bored to go outside your house and get a life. It's easy I have a life I turn computer off and leave and even better go to clubs with beutifull women.
No you just simply have no life and are probably some angsty teen who rebels against their parents and stays in their room all day.
Luckily he has gone(been banned) and unfortunaltely probably infecting another good forum with nice people somewhere else.
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