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...dell_ate_my_dog comes and knocks the supervisor donw on teh ground and rolls her down the hall like a big big ball!!!
~mr mixx~ then runs after her kicking her as they they go.....he then give's her 1 more final kick and she slams...into a tree
Hu'Zak was so busy watching mr. mixx and dell_ate_my_dog beat up a supervisor, that he forgot his personal computer was still on fire. all the other employees had fled, and since the doors locked automatically, Hu'zak, dell_ate_my_dog, and mr mixx were now trapped inside the burning building.
so Hu'Zak , knew his private computer was toast, so he bought another one, and needed 2 find some spyware 4 his comuter...
hehe...then after he uploaded lot's of crap on his shitty computer, he then loaded some more. just then ...
just then....he banged on the computer to get the remark off the screen,but it wouldn't go away....
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