are most of the people in forum from the uk?

hmmm so you were serious. whatever.

Well if you think your local area is ine debt you dont know squat. I dont have the statistics with me but the state I live in the US files more bankruptcies than anyone. I think that its like 1 in 35 housholds files for bankruptcy every fricken year. Its outrageous.
I have my overdraft and my student loan..
that amount to just over £12,000 of debt, (and I've only just left school / uni).
The reason people have such a shocking aount of debt is because they can, people are encouraged to buy now pay leter because there are companies in the middle making money on the interest being paid.
Personally I always prefere to save for what I want and pay for it in hard cash,
should have seen the look on the shop assistants face when my dad paid for his first computer in £20's -(it was a long time ago and the computer cost around £2000) it was like the shop guy had never seen that amount of money before.
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