Favorite programming language

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Lol, typing a lot isn't a good reason not to like C/C++/C#! :D

I'm learning ASP.NET now using C# - but I suppose that doesn't count as a favourite Programming Language.
troll i wonder....?

(sorry...that happens alot to me so ive grown suspecious of a few common arguements - like the GPL is evil, that linux would be just as virus ridden if it were as popular as windows, that whitespace formating is stupid, that a firewall isnt a choice but a must, etc...)

at any rate, believe what you want. im not going to change my mind and i doubt you are and in the end we'll just end up thinking the other is a fucken moron anyway.

ok a few things just to set your mind at rest.
1, I'm not a troll

2, there is no need to be suspicious of me

3, I'm not a fucking moron

4, there was no need to imply I was a fucking moron - troll I wonder?

5, I don't thikn GPL is evil

6, I regularly use linux (and like it -not least because it's leagally free)

7, It's only an opinion that firewalls are a must, and I can provide you with links to news articles and bug track sites that list exploits in the windows system where a firewall would prevent the spread of virii - Can you provide links to counter that argument? a notable one that springs to mind would be the blaster virus (worm) that affected port 135(DCOM) a fire wall would have prevented infection. the same can be said about the SQL Slammer worm.(port 1434) this worm actually slowed the whole internet, and cut of connections completly for some peoplecheck it out

8, It's hard to find all bugs in software with only a small community. -notice how the recent shell exploit had been in firefox for quite a while, yet the exloit was only discovered recently (as more and more people start to use it) it's following the same logic that if Linux was accepted into the masses then more bugs would be found more quickly, the question is whether the developers could keep up.

9, If you provide me with good arguments then I might change my mind -The mind is like a parachute it works much better when it's open -anon. If your mind is closed then why did you bother to post in the first place?

10, I understand why you think that PYthon is a programming language, after all the practices and syntaxs used are very simillar to a low level programming language.

11, I would could Python as a programming language if it were possible to compile it.

(now to answer the main point of the post)

in my opinion Python, (according the the definition posted above - taken from pyton.org) does not fit in with the definition of a program

A set of coded instructions that enables a machine, especially a computer, to perform a desired sequence of operations.

yet pyton, (according to it's own definition)
does fit remarkably well with the definition of scripting language.

A program in a
scripting language (a "script") is often interpreted ...

...Scripts typically interact either with other programs (often
as glue) or with a set of functions provided by the
interpreter, as with the file system functions provided in a
UNIX shell and with Tcl's GUI functions. Prototypical
scripting languages are AppleScript, C Shell, MSDOS batch
files, and Tcl

source:http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=scripting language

infact in it's own definition the Python development site compares it's self to
Tcl, -a scripting language
Perl, -a scripting language
Scheme -which is actually a programming language.
Java -a language that can be either compiled or scripted.

like I said I can see why, (as someone who uses Python) you think it is complex enough, and has good enough support for data structures to be considered a programming language.

but according to definitions of the language posted at Python.org, and according to the definition of a programming language and a scripting language.

Python is not a programming language.

Like I said I'm not a troll, I don't hate GNU
(in fact I regularly use the GNU tools under linux whilst I am at work).
I've provided you with clear and consise arguments about how and why python cannot be a programming language.

I challenge you to provide me with a clear and consise argument as to why python is a programming language.

(because it is, in my opinion, because I said it is, lots of other people think it is, or links to forums with persons individual opinions are not acceptable - I linked to pythons source site and made two links to an impartial site that provides factual definitions of words. lets see if you can do the same?)

or are you a troll that will just contradict me, call me a name and run off?
since im not willing to put much energy into this:

google is the authority on everything. when you dont know something, you google it, as such, i asked google to "define:python"

it returned the following definitions:
Definitions of Python on the Web:

– An object-oriented p-code programming language. Q

Python is an object oriented high level scripting language. Zope is written in Python.

Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language—comparable to Tcl, Perl, or Java. Refer to our Tips & Tutorials section for more information.

A high-level, interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. It is similar to Cogent's Gamma language in that it features dynamic data typing which cuts development time.

An interpreted, object-oriented programming language. Python is copyrighted, but the source code is freely available and open for modification and reuse.

12/97Interpreted object-oriented scripting language, 1991

Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language - comparable to Tcl, Perl or Java. Refer to our Tips and Tutorials section for more information.

Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language—comparable to Tcl, Perl, or Java.

An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language that is simple and powerful. It has modules, classes, exceptions, very high level dynamic data types, and dynamic typing. http://www.python.org/ (1)

Great programming language. The foundation for Elements. The language of Elements scripts. http://www.python.org/

Python is a popular, portable, interpreted, interactive, dynamically typed, object-oriented programming language. Out-of-the-Box uses Python to convert Notation3 source to RDF output using CWM. Related Python reading.

A freeware open-source cross-platform interpreted scripting language from www.python.org.

Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language—comparable to Tcl, Perl, or Java. Refer to our Tips & Tutorials section for more information. Top

An interpreted, object-oriented programming language developed by Guido van Rossum. The name comes from one of van Rossum's favorite television shows, Monty Python's Flying Circus. Python is very portable since Python interpreters are available for most operating system platforms. Although Python is copyrighted, the source code is freely available, and unlike GNU software, it can be commercially re-sold.

Programming language. See http://www.python.org/.

Rubyのライバル.「年を経た蛇」. matzがPythonに満足していれば Rubyは生まれなかったであろう. 一番気になっているのは名前の長さ(6文字)である. An object-oriented programming language. Ruby's rival. "Elapsed serpent." If matz was content with Python, Ruby wouldn't be born now. Anxious most is length of the name. (Up to 6 characters!) -SugHimsi


In greek mythology Python was the great dragon who gaurded the oracle and delphi. Apollo slayed python and calimed the oracle for his own. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. . . Q .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. . . R

Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language—comparable to Tcl, Perl, or Java. Refer to our Tips & Tutorials section for more information. Top

A programming language. Member of the family of so-called scripting languages. Especially good at rapid prototyping and for gluing together various bits and pieces of other programs.

Python is a popular server-side scripting language, used in many situations where a great deal of dynamism, ease of use, power, and flexibility are required.

large Old World boas

a soothsaying spirit or a person who is possessed by such a spirit

(Greek mythology) dragon killed by Apollo at Delphi
( http://www.google.co.nz/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=define:python&meta=)

15 of those say python is a programming language.

4 say its a scripting language.

5 were of no use to us.
I counted 10 that say interperated...

as I said before a program has be to a compiled set of instructions.

Interpereted is not compiled.

by my count 16 of the definitions you posted either directly say that language is a scripting language, or imply the language is a scripted language by saying it is interpereted.
Most call it an interperated programming language in reference to the fact that it's syntax are much like that of true programming lanuguages, or to make it easy for people to understand it is to do with computers and performing tasks therof, or just blind ignorance to the definitions of the word program and scripted language.

as you said earlier I really don't think we are going to see eye to eye on this
0x54 said:
troll i wonder....?

(sorry...that happens alot to me so ive grown suspecious of a few common arguements - like the GPL is evil, that linux would be just as virus ridden if it were as popular as windows, that whitespace formating is stupid, that a firewall isnt a choice but a must, etc...)

at any rate, believe what you want. im not going to change my mind and i doubt you are and in the end we'll just end up thinking the other is a fucken moron anyway.

Other than GPL is evil; those are all reasonable arguments? :D
C++ of course, if you know C++ you can easily understand other programming languages. Maybe Assembly too =)
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