How can I get JAVA

Robo_Freak116 said:
Where can i get java and are the bokks at barns and noble good for learning from???
Well you can I go get a cup of coffee and do the old Java Jive.
A cup a cup a cup.1930's
I know you mean java script,but why ?
Any book is worth learning from,The city Library is free where i live.
Edit post is allowed.
want to learn java or n e language theres plenty of free tutorials just search google
i get a lot of problems with i.e. and java applets

dont expect too much

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Haha! No; I probably use more Microsoft Products than most people on here - I just don't think theres anything wrong with them. I never have any problems.

Maybe its just because you all dislike them that they go wrong on you?
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