AMD or Intel?

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I was wondering whether you may be upgrading David? Just wondering as there are many other sites i'm on - if they have vBulletin - which have been upgrading recently. You can even have the normal Vertical system.
Hmmm; ATi Cards are good but what really annoys me are the people who believe all ATi Cards are better than all nVidia Cards whatever the spec or age. Its very strange. Even I wasn't like that with Intel before my AMD!

Not that ATi Cards aren't good - they are! But as far as I can tell from Specs there is not a Card distictively faster than nVidia's equal Card which would be cheaper.
Those are both about 2 years old; the 64-bit is about the Itanium and the 4Ghz thing talked about the 3Ghz. What we need is news about The Intel 64-bit/32-bit Processor. But it doesn't seem to exist!
GeforcebOY said:
Nvida rule especally there new geforce 6 6800 , But intel rule check this out intel 64bit out june and could become a home pc processor if it good.
Intel also are at 4ghz now not amd .
It only a prototype but they are there .

I disagree man, Nvidia sucks. Yes they have come out with 6800s, but it is a minimal improvement over the ATi Radeon 9800XT. I have the Asus Ati Radeon 9800XT, and it's amazing. ATI is going to come out with a competeing 16 pipeline graphics card soon, so i wouldn't stick with NVIDIA just yet. Besides, NVIDIA is NVIDIA, who likes them? They're crap.
if you don't agree look at Hard Ocp's review.
I do like the Pentiums 4 HTs. I have a 3.0 ghz processor, OCed to 3.6 on STANDARD COOLING! they are pretty incredible. I think soon enough the INTEL HTs will blow away AMD.
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