What's good to learn?

Well - learning C++ sounds like a good idea. However, I don't like Chocolate or warm sunny days; so that part doesn't really make me want to do it!

However, first, C#! About Visual Studio 2003 EE; the man who makes it for me is moving house - so its a little impractical for him to do it now, but he said to e-mail him about it in 2 weeks: thats next Wednesday so that he could make it up and send it to me. So, cross fingers, I'll be swimming the lake of Visual Studio's power by next Friday! For only £40!
Easy, perhaps, but Limited, I think not

You said yourself that C# was what they are using for Longhorn mainly and that they were trying to suppliment it in all programs. With C# under my belt first - I can go onto C++ rather easily if it is still in use; which it almost certainly will be. Then maybe XML, and perhaps even another one after that! I''ll only be really happy with a half a dozen Languages under my belt firmly; and another half a dozen which I'm vaguely familiar with! That is my target! And I think we all know about my targets!
I know; I am particularly Proud!

But it is true; Longhorn is being made very much in C# - and by the time I get there they may have made a different Language or be totally dependent on it - so I would need to use it.
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