Favorite programming language

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Yeah, I had to go with C++; I would like to learn C# first; but after that it will have to be C++ just incase. I can already feel I'll be a very C based person! Although, from what I;ve been hearing the C# is coming out more and more and is greatly put in Longhhorn.

I have always been interested in making my own Language! I realise that it would be impossible without any programming knowledge but the very basics; but I think it would be interesting. Is it not true I would need to make a compiler? or something along those lines?

I'm getting more interested in the idea again now! I can't wait until I gett he money for Visual Studio!
Yeah - C is what everybody uses - C is what Windows is made of - C is the building blocks of software everywhere! J# may make it up soon but will fade after new people come in after learning C# (like me!) and possibly C++. Java is dying; as is Visual Basic I'd imagine; I don't know whether Visual Fox is sitll out there? but thats got to go soon!
Yeah; I think that is just Microsoft's attempt to keep the Java people in the Programming until they can learn C++ or C#, isn't it?
I think I am posting twice but C/C++ for my favorite. As for C#, it is actively being pushed by microsoft for the programming language of choice for Longhorn, with all that managed code stuff. As I understand it C# is kind of like a wrapper for the C language, however nothing wrong with that. With the way windows works, the majority of your code can easily and should be standardized. Unfortunately there are still control freaks like me out there that want to know how everything works. However even if the programming language that microsoft is pushing for Longhorn is C#, the OS was still written in C.
As for creating your own programming language you can do that from any language starting out. For instance, C++'s first compiler simply converted the code to C and then used a C compiler to make it an executable. You will have to get into file management and string manipulation as well as come up with an outline for the intent and purpose of your language.
Traveller said:
As for creating your own programming language you can do that from any language starting out. For instance, C++'s first compiler simply converted the code to C and then used a C compiler to make it an executable. You will have to get into file management and string manipulation as well as come up with an outline for the intent and purpose of your language.

Interesting! That will have to be the first thing I play about with the idea of when I get Visual Studio!
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