Java Script...


Baseband Member
Can any1 do this for me please?

Each 30 secs or so i want the quote to change to another one, then another one and so on till it gets to the end then it starts again, i have been told by a freind that u need to know Java to do this..

Here are the Quotes i wish to use

I've heard your line of patter my son. If they don't know Adam Ant's birthday or the Chelsea result it's goodnight Vienna, innit?
Tough? Tough? It's the toughest chicken I've ever known. It's asked me for a fight in the car park twice!
There's got to be a way! He who dares wins! There's a million quid worth of gold out there - our gold. We can't just say 'bonjour' to it.
Yeah, but I'd like to meet the git who told him he could sing!
Yeah, that'll do fine if you're out of Brandy.
Del knows what he's talking about. And I don't see what the Beatle's manager has got to do with it anyway.
How the hell can it be the same bloody broom then?
And then they turn up! And within fifteen seconds some sod's shooting' at us!
I don't know about St. Claire a la Chappell, they should rename this place Trottersville!
Chuck him on the back seat? He's the driver!

If any1 can give me the RIGHT Code for this, i will give tem full credit on my site.
<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript">
var delay = 1000
var bcolor = "#F8F8F8"
var tcolor = "#D4AD00"
var fcontent = new Array()
begintag = '<font size="2"><B>'
fcontent[0] = "I've heard your line of patter my son. If they don't know Adam Ant's birthday or the Chelsea result it's goodnight Vienna, innit?"
fcontent[1] = "Tough? Tough? It's the toughest chicken I've ever known. It's asked me for a fight in the car park twice!"
fcontent[2] = "There's got to be a way! He who dares wins! There's a million quid worth of gold out there - our gold. We can't just say 'bonjour' to it."
fcontent[3] = "Yeah, but I'd like to meet the git who told him he could sing"
fcontent[4] = "Yeah, that'll do fine if you're out of Brandy. "
fcontent[5] = "Del knows what he's talking about. And I don't see what the Beatle's manager has got to do with it anyway. "
fcontent[6] = "How the hell can it be the same bloody broom then?"
fcontent[7] = "And then they turn up! And within fifteen seconds some sod's shooting' at us!"
fcontent[8] = "I don't know about St. Claire a la Chappell, they should rename this place Trottersville!"
fcontent[9] = "Chuck him on the back seat? He's the driver! "
closetag = '</b></font>'
// -->
<script language="javascript">
/************************************************** ******************
v2.02 01/12/2002
YaBB integration & modification: NRg (
Latest version:

based upon:
Fading Scroller by
************************************************** *******************/

// You can changes these three values to modify the output:
var frame = 50; // frame-range. standard = 50
var st = 30; // milliseconds between frames. standard = 30
var wait = 50; // value to display the full text without fade
// 1 = approx. 60 milliseconds. standard = 50

ie4 = document.all&&!document.getElementById;
ns4 = document.layers;
DOM2 = document.getElementById;

bR = HexToR(bcolor);
bG = HexToG(bcolor);
bB = HexToB(bcolor);
tR = HexToR(tcolor);
tG = HexToG(tcolor);
tB = HexToB(tcolor);
bR_m = bR;
bG_m = bG;
bB_m = bB;
tR_m = tR;
tG_m = tG;
tB_m = tB;

function HexToR(h) { return parseInt((cutHex(h)).substring(0,2),16) }
function HexToG(h) { return parseInt((cutHex(h)).substring(2,4),16) }
function HexToB(h) { return parseInt((cutHex(h)).substring(4,6),16) }
function cutHex(h) { return (h.charAt(0)=="#") ? h.substring(1,7) : h}

dir = ((tR+tG+tB) > (bR+bG+bB)) ? "up" : "down";
dirback = ((tR+tG+tB) < (bR+bG+bB)) ? "up" : "down";
dir_m = dir;
index = 0;
frame_m = frame;
framehalf = frame / 2;
wait_m = wait;
stepR = Math.abs(tR - bR) / framehalf;
stepG = Math.abs(tG - bG) / framehalf;
stepB = Math.abs(tB - bB) / framehalf;
step = Math.min(Math.round(Math.max(stepR,Math.max(stepG,stepB))),(240/framehalf));

function fade() {
if (index>=fcontent.length)
index = 0;
if (DOM2) {
else if (ie4) {
else if (ns4) {

function colorfade() {
if (frame>0) {
if (frame==framehalf && wait>0) {
else {
if (dir=="down") {
if (bR>tR) bR-=step;
if (bG>tG) bG-=step;
if (bB>tB) bB-=step;
bR = Math.max(bR,1);
bG = Math.max(bG,1);
bB = Math.max(bB,1);
else {
if (bR<tR) bR+=step;
if (bG<tG) bG+=step;
if (bB<tB) bB+=step;
bR = Math.min(bR,255);
bG = Math.min(bG,255);
bB = Math.min(bB,255);
if (frame==framehalf+1) {
dir = dirback;
wR = tR;
wG = tG;
wB = tB;
tR = bR_m;
tG = bG_m;
tB = bB_m;
else {
document.getElementById("fscroller").innerHTML=" ";
dir = dir_m;
frame = frame_m;
wait = wait_m;
tR = tR_m;
tG = tG_m;
tB = tB_m;
bR = bR_m;
bG = bG_m;
bB = bB_m;
<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript">
if (navigator.appVersion.substring(0,1) < 5 && navigator.appName == "Netscape") {
var fwidth = screen.availWidth / 2;
var bwidth = screen.availWidth / 4;
document.write('<ilayer id="fscrollerns" width='+fwidth+' height=35 left='+bwidth+' top=0><layer id="fscrollerns_sub" width='+fwidth+' height=35 left=0 top=0></layer></ilayer>');
window.onload = fade;
else if ( != -1 || (navigator.platform != "Win32" && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Gecko') == -1)) {;
document.write('<div id="fscroller" style="width:90%; height:15px; padding:2px">');
for(i=0; i < fcontent.length; ++i) {
window.onload = fade;
else {
document.write('<div id="fscroller" style="width:90% height:15px; padding:2px"></div>');
window.onload = fade;
// -->
Give this a try:

<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript">
var delay = 1500
var bcolor = "#F8F8F8"
var tcolor = "#D4AD00"
var fcontent = new Array()
begintag = '<font size="2"><B>'
fcontent[0] = "I've heard your line of patter my son. If they don't know Adam Ant's birthday or the Chelsea result it's goodnight Vienna, innit?"
fcontent[1] = "Tough? Tough? It's the toughest chicken I've ever known. It's asked me for a fight in the car park twice!"
fcontent[2] = "There's got to be a way! He who dares wins! There's a million quid worth of gold out there - our gold. We can't just say 'bonjour' to it."
fcontent[3] = "Yeah, but I'd like to meet the git who told him he could sing"
fcontent[4] = "Yeah, that'll do fine if you're out of Brandy. "
fcontent[5] = "Del knows what he's talking about. And I don't see what the Beatle's manager has got to do with it anyway. "
fcontent[6] = "How the hell can it be the same bloody broom then?"
fcontent[7] = "And then they turn up! And within fifteen seconds some sod's shooting' at us!"
fcontent[8] = "I don't know about St. Claire a la Chappell, they should rename this place Trottersville!"
fcontent[9] = "Chuck him on the back seat? He's the driver! "
closetag = '</b></font>'
// -->
<script language="javascript">
/************************************************** ******************
v2.02 01/12/2002
YaBB integration & modification: NRg (
Latest version:

based upon:
Fading Scroller by
************************************************** *******************/

// You can changes these three values to modify the output:
var frame = 70; // frame-range. standard = 50
var st = 50; // milliseconds between frames. standard = 30
var wait = 60; // value to display the full text without fade
// 1 = approx. 60 milliseconds. standard = 50

ie4 = document.all&&!document.getElementById;
ns4 = document.layers;
DOM2 = document.getElementById;

bR = HexToR(bcolor);
bG = HexToG(bcolor);
bB = HexToB(bcolor);
tR = HexToR(tcolor);
tG = HexToG(tcolor);
tB = HexToB(tcolor);
bR_m = bR;
bG_m = bG;
bB_m = bB;
tR_m = tR;
tG_m = tG;
tB_m = tB;

function HexToR(h) { return parseInt((cutHex(h)).substring(0,2),16) }
function HexToG(h) { return parseInt((cutHex(h)).substring(2,4),16) }
function HexToB(h) { return parseInt((cutHex(h)).substring(4,6),16) }
function cutHex(h) { return (h.charAt(0)=="#") ? h.substring(1,7) : h}

dir = ((tR+tG+tB) > (bR+bG+bB)) ? "up" : "down";
dirback = ((tR+tG+tB) < (bR+bG+bB)) ? "up" : "down";
dir_m = dir;
index = 0;
frame_m = frame;
framehalf = frame / 2;
wait_m = wait;
stepR = Math.abs(tR - bR) / framehalf;
stepG = Math.abs(tG - bG) / framehalf;
stepB = Math.abs(tB - bB) / framehalf;
step = Math.min(Math.round(Math.max(stepR,Math.max(stepG,stepB))),(240/framehalf));

function fade() {
if (index>=fcontent.length)
index = 0;
if (DOM2) {
else if (ie4) {
else if (ns4) {

function colorfade() {
if (frame>0) {
if (frame==framehalf && wait>0) {
else {
if (dir=="down") {
if (bR>tR) bR-=step;
if (bG>tG) bG-=step;
if (bB>tB) bB-=step;
bR = Math.max(bR,1);
bG = Math.max(bG,1);
bB = Math.max(bB,1);
else {
if (bR<tR) bR+=step;
if (bG<tG) bG+=step;
if (bB<tB) bB+=step;
bR = Math.min(bR,255);
bG = Math.min(bG,255);
bB = Math.min(bB,255);
if (frame==framehalf+1) {
dir = dirback;
wR = tR;
wG = tG;
wB = tB;
tR = bR_m;
tG = bG_m;
tB = bB_m;
else {
document.getElementById("fscroller").innerHTML=" ";
dir = dir_m;
frame = frame_m;
wait = wait_m;
tR = tR_m;
tG = tG_m;
tB = tB_m;
bR = bR_m;
bG = bG_m;
bB = bB_m;
<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript">
if (navigator.appVersion.substring(0,1) < 5 && navigator.appName == "Netscape") {
var fwidth = screen.availWidth / 2;
var bwidth = screen.availWidth / 4;
document.write('<ilayer id="fscrollerns" width='+fwidth+' height=35 left='+bwidth+' top=0><layer id="fscrollerns_sub" width='+fwidth+' height=35 left=0 top=0></layer></ilayer>');
window.onload = fade;
else if ( != -1 || (navigator.platform != "Win32" && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Gecko') == -1)) {;
document.write('<div id="fscroller" style="width:90%; height:15px; padding:2px">');
for(i=0; i < fcontent.length; ++i) {
window.onload = fade;
else {
document.write('<div id="fscroller" style="width:90% height:15px; padding:2px"></div>');
window.onload = fade;
// -->
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